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Knock Knock, Who's There? A Jackass.


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Seriously, did the defense attorney for George Zimmerman start out his opening arguments with a knock knock joke?  I can tell you right now they are going to find that guy guilty if that’s the caliber of his lawyer.  That’s what happens when you get your attorney from “Lawyer’s Bargain Outlet”.

Here’s a thing that sucks, though,  you can buy your verdict.  If you have enough money, you can get a top notch lawyer that will just bedazzle the jury with bullshit and nitpick the shit out of the law until they find a loophole.  I don’t know how defense attorneys can live with themselves.  Not having ever been arrested for anything or knowing anyone who has ever been accused of a breaking the law other than a traffic ticket or urinating in public… I don’t know what really happens in court.  Why is it a rare occurrence that someone will just say, “Yea, I did it”?  I guess that’s part of being a criminal, huh?  You tend to lie?

How come courts aren’t like parents and say, “Ok, if you just told us you did it and say you are sorry we won’t give you the most severe penalty allowed by law”?  Is that not a thing?  No, everybody has to say ‘No, not me I didn’t do it!” and then the public has to pay for a costly trial.  Like even in cases where somebody is caught red-handed on video surveillance doing something and they plead not guilty. What the fuck?!  Can someone please hep me with this, because I’m dumbfounded?

Well that’s about all I have time for today, I have to run for an appearance on the local NBC affiliate Noon News, talking about my book.  Here is a brief rundown of events this week, feel free to join in…

Today Tuesday June 25th, I will be interviewed on NBC10 News at Noon, live. (Holy crap, maybe I’ll have a nip slip)

Here is the video of the interview:

Wednesday June 26th, Book signing at Beau Monde Salon, 7181 Rte. 96, Victor, NY 6:00pm-9:00pm

Thursday June 27th, Book signing at Lux Lounge, 666 South Ave., Rochester, NY 6:00pm-8:00pm

Things are going great with the book, getting some great reviews.  More reviews are always welcome!  You can see the reviews at and where the book is available for purchase. (also at and other online stores)

Two of my favorite reviews:

“Very good book that had me laughing at many of life’s little absurdities’. Madge tackles life’s ups and downs with a sense of humor, an irreverent attitude and common sense. I loved this book and would recommend it to anyone needing a good laugh and feeling of “hey if she can get through it all so can I”. Will definitely keep an eye out for any future books b y this author.”

“Madge is… Erma Bombeck with a cocktail and a rack. 🙂 She’s also, by turns, heartwarming, and wonderfully sarcastic. Shine on!”

Thanks guys, don’t forget to share my crap on Twitter and Facebook!  Appreciate it!

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