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I Took the Plunge…


Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!!!!  I’m so excited!!!

I did it, took the plunge… I just got a new video camera!  And at a total bargain price.  Like half price!  Weeeee!!!

But… I’m not prepared to do any video tonight.  Because…

1. I’m tired.

2. I’m not groomed to perfection.

3.  I had a martini a little bit ago, I don’t want to look silly.  Someone might mistake me for a stroke victim.

Yes, I know the thought of tipsy Madge sounds like a lot of fun.  Oh trust me, it is.  But not tipsy tired Madge.  I’m just kind of a slug.  A dirty hooker slug.  Wound up tipsy Madge is worth a chuckle.  This Madge is not.

So, yea hopefully tomorrow I will put together something.  I am really happy with the quality of the camera I got.  Now I have no excuse not to look like a reject.

By the way, my daughters are watching “Pretty Little Liars”.  A show to which they are addicted.  I love my daughters but… anything on ABC Family is just filled with prissy twatty girls.  Really, this is entertainment?  If  my girls turned out to be ya’ know TV show characters, well I would hit them with a shovel.  Now wait though, if they were TV show characters then they’d be on a TV show and making lots of money, so ok I’ll allow it.

As long as they weren’t twatty in real life.  Then I would have to revert back to the shovel.

Hope to be here with a video blog tomorrow.

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